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Personal Care
Some autistic children and young people are reluctant to engage in personal care activities due to increased anxiety. This anxiety can be caused by several factors including heightened sensitivity to the sensory input involved in the tasks, uncertainty of what is expected and difficulties in planning and sequencing the activities.
This training presentation will examine a range of personal care tasks, including 
•    hair washing, 
•    showering and 
•    teeth brushing. 
Factors which can cause anxiety around these activities will be explained. 
Suggestions will be made for accommodations and approaches to support the child or young person in engaging in these self-care tasks. 


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Dr Jo Fitzsimons

Dr Jo Fitzsimons

Dr Jo Fitzsimons is the Head of the Professional Development and Outreach Services at Whitefield Academy Trust in East London. Her previous appointments have included Deputy Head of School and curriculum management roles. Jo has also been involved in a wide range of International and European research projects and conferences offering training, support and advice on various aspects of SEND practice. Her specialist interests include sensory learning, autism and supporting children and young people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD).

Event summary


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