Promoting Sleep Resources
Following on from our ‘Promoting Sleep’ webinar here are a number of resources. Clicking on the YouTube link will bring you to an Operation Ouch video on sleep aimed at primary sc...
Following on from our ‘Promoting Sleep’ webinar here are a number of resources. Clicking on the YouTube link will bring you to an Operation Ouch video on sleep aimed at primary sc...
Click on this link to redirect to a comprehensive document containing information and visual supports to help guide people with autism through these uncertain times. Visual support...
As COVID 19 restrictions relax, our combined ability to comply with social distancing regulations becomes increasingly important. For some of our children and young people with aut...
Worry dolls are small handmade dolls originating from the indigenous people of Guatemala. Making the doll is part of the process and may help the child or young person engage with...
Maja Toudal’s energy accounting method reimagines the concept of a bank account where the child or young person experiences energy withdrawals and deposits.
Following on from our webinar with Dr. Brian McClean we are sharing two resources which we hope you will find helpful. Our ‘Co-regulation’ resource suggests different activities yo...
MCA were very interested to hear the backstory to these lovely resources after posting the first one.
We are pleased to announce two new additions to our webinar series.
Adding structure to any task aims to promote the child of young person’s independence.
The Barnardos Children’s Roadmap offers a simple visual map to explain to children what changes are going to occur in Phase 2, and what that means for them.
In yesterday’s webinar, Kari Dunn Duron identified that when the actions we take to calm become predictable and habit-like, they form part of the calming sequence that help us to s...
Following on from the video link we shared yesterday, we once again consider the emotional impact of social distancing from our friends and family.
The COVID-19 MCA surveys were of huge assistance to the centre to ascertain what would be of most benefit to you during this pandemic.
This interactive 1 hour course is designed for parents, carers, adoptive parents and adoption agency staff.
Village Primary School, Thornaby uploaded this video as a means of describing social distancing to children.
Structure and order are often sought out by autistic people.
This is a simple sunny day activity .
During this time of change and uncertainity, children need to feel secure and protected, while moving forward with small steps to safely returning to life outside of the home.