Supporting Online Learning at Home Part 1
Home learning had become the ‘new normal’ for several months last year, but many children, young people and parents in NI may feel daunted at the prospect of re-engaging in online...
Home learning had become the ‘new normal’ for several months last year, but many children, young people and parents in NI may feel daunted at the prospect of re-engaging in online...
If one of your New Year resolutions is to enhance your professional development then keep your eye on the Centre’s page next week!
The staff at Middletown Centre for Autism wish you a happy and peaceful New Year.
There will be changes in plans and expectations for most children and young people next week, with some having an extended holiday and others engaging in home learning.
Christmas holidays are often a popular time for board games, and they are a great way of teaching skills such as turn taking and coping with losing, as well as academic skills such...
A winter walk is a lovely way to get out of the house this week, but it can be difficult to motivate some children and young people in this activity.
The Middletown Centre for Autism team wishes you a happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. The Centre will close this afternoon and re-open on 4 January 2021.
As the excitement for Christmas builds, it can feel overwhelming for many autistic children and young people
A really lovely idea from ‘My Fussy Eater’ on Instagram.
Making Christmas crackers can be a lovely way to involve your child in the preparations for Christmas Day.
Many of us enjoy the food and fun at the Christmas dinner table, but for some autistic children and young people, it can be overwhelming.
Today’s resource will support social communication development through a Christmas themed art and craft activity.
The Middletown elves have put a festive twist on this popular game.
It’s only a week until Christmas Eve, so time to prepare some snacks for Santa’s reindeer.
This is the Centre’s last Meet the Team video of 2020, and it’s the turn of another of the team’s specialist teachers, Breiffni O’Reilly.
The Bored Board is one of the Centre’s most popular resources and here is a Christmas version.
This is the Centre’s last podcast interview of 2020 and an opportunity to talk again to Claire Smyton and gain her insights into parenting a young person with autism.
Please note that if you have submitted an application for any of the Centre’s online training programmes to be delivered next term, you may not receive confirmation of your place u...